
great stories!

Stella and Candy,
I love the stories you are sharing! This is terrific! The flooding is definitely a good analogy to the influx of buildings and people. And I love the paper boats that it seems many children played with. It seems both of you had similar scary stories about water as well, hmmm this could be an interesting point...especially with Ama who is the protector of water so-to-speak. I think there may be a parallel here...any thoughts? Also, the bicycle man...what a funny character! And I can't believe he showed up in the paper after Candy spoke of him! It seems strange that people would use him of an example of what not to do. Here in NYC there are many characters that wander the streets and people sort of like having them around as familiar faces. For instance we have the "Naked Cowboy" who plays guitar in his underwear right in the middle of Times Square! Yes, he stops traffic and gets in the way, but New Yorkers and tourists alike find him hysterical! People like himself and the bicyclist you know keep the city interesting and helps to define the city's character. Is Macao really trying to unify everyone so much? This seems a shame. If we all become like one another and keep toning everything down....how boring will we be? Sometimes some of the impractical keeps things lively!
On anther note...have you both bought your tickets to NYC? When will you be arriving? And have you been able to get into any dance class and/or exercise classes? I just want to remind you that you will be jumping into the AMDC workshop and I don't want you getting too sore on the first day!
Keep up the terrific stories!

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