The Meaning of Change
Tides of Change - 5 days more to come
-- Candy
In a new program sponsored by the Macao Cultural Centre, Dance to New York (www.dancetonewyork.blogspot.com), this summer Macau natives Kuok and Ho spent three weeks in the Big Apple training with the AMDC, to promote cultural exchange between the cities, and nurture talented local artists. AMDC is a small New York-based modern dance troupe, which has won critical acclaim in its eight short years for original choreography and intense performances.
Ho, who has trained in Chinese classical and folk dance since the age of six, was inspired by the dedication and passion her contemporaries. On the Macau duo’s blog, she describes New York as a place where there is, “so much to explore, learn and experience.”
As well as allowing exchanges between Macanese and American artists, Dance to New York was an opportunity for two of Macau’s top dancers to collaborate. Kuok writes, “I believe we definitely lack this kind of communication amongst local choreographers and dancers, which would have a positive effect on the development of dance [and] performing art in Macau.”
Tides of Change focuses on the change and growth Macau has undergone in the artists’ lifetimes, and was inspired by conversations about construction, the SARS outbreak, gambling, economic fluctuations and uncertainty about the future. The AMDC will also perform company repertoire pieces Fire of the Dove, Unharvested and Homeland.
初到紐約,Candy和Stella兩人抽空參加了Movement Research工作坊,專門學習脊椎和肌肉在軀體動作中的工作原理,讓舞者理解身體的構造,硏究身體動作。對此她們感觸頗大,“在澳門學跳舞不會有這種課程,但這對練好舞蹈基本功很有幫助的,瞭解你的身體,感受你的身體,之後你才會知道如何更好通過舞蹈來表達。”這些對舞蹈細節關注點的差別,正好反映了東西方在舞蹈觀念上的差異,“美國人會更多地認為舞蹈是表達思想、展現身體構造、美態的一門藝術”。理解並吸收這些看似微小,但重要程度卻可以無限放大的細節知識,讓舞者對舞蹈的理解進一步昇華。
Stella介紹道:“美國舞團的創作是project based的,接一個job就相當於一個project,這個proposal寫得很詳細,從場租、編舞、排舞訓練到舞者演出服裝、交通、眞正踏上舞台演出的演出費都分項詳細列明,項目的資方會逐項支付舞團。”資方對舞團風格的尊重和欣賞,是對其提供高質素表演,對舞者專業技藝的肯定和鼓舞,這也使美國的舞團經營者能夠始終固守創作風格,登上一個個新的台階。
美澳舞者合演本地元素新舞作 [浪.無止]將首演精彩可期
【本報消息】於今年三月舉辦的“跳躍 · 紐約——編舞精英交流計劃”脫穎而出的本地舞者何雅詩、郭瑞萍,經過近月排練,加上文化中心資助下赴紐約開展三周的編舞訓練與交流,學有所成,二人本月中旬將聯同艾美 · 瑪素舞蹈團藝術總監艾美 · 瑪素在澳首演全新舞作《浪.無止》,精彩可期。
由澳門文化中心主辦、歷時七個月的“跳躍 · 紐約——編舞精英交流計劃”進入最後階段。美國著名現代舞先鋒艾美 · 瑪素將與何雅詩、郭瑞萍兩名本地舞者,於本月十八日晚上八時在文化中心小劇院首演以“澳門”為元素的全新舞作《浪.無止》,誠為本澳“度身訂造”的舞作。艾美 · 瑪素舞蹈團另將獻演《和平之火》、《徒勞》、《家鄉》和《二重奏》四支舞作,不容忽視。
艾美 · 瑪素生於日本京都,對歷史文化抱有一份與生俱來的好奇,其藝術生涯則於紐約開展,並熱衷以舞蹈象徵不同的生命歷程;郭瑞萍自小習舞,曾到過海外不同地方接受不同類型的身體訓練和舞蹈技巧培訓,經常參與創作及演出外,還連同本地藝團致力推廣藝術教育;何雅詩現任澳門紫羅蘭舞蹈團副團長,除積極參與本地演出外,亦曾隨紫羅蘭舞團赴海內外交流。
郭瑞萍說,在紐約艾美 · 瑪素舞蹈團受訓和交流所遇到的人,感受到他們對舞蹈的那份狂熱、投入和執着,身處如此環境,學習事半功倍。面對澳門城市不斷變化,尤感有點“失衡”,但在各種變化和失衡中總有一些本質是恆久不變而安穩的,冀透過舞作,讓人們有所感悟與反思。
Here they are ! AMDC. I just couldn't imagine, one and a half month ago, we were dancing together in New York City Center Studio, now we are dancing together again in Macao Cultural Center. I feel the urge to dance so strong inside me. Amazing.
Today, when we are having the ballet class, Natasha said it reminds her of the ballet lesson we had in the New York City Center Studio.
In the photo, Chad and Amy are wearing the costume for the "Tides of Change" , it's such a great and beautiful work by Aileen Roehl. I love them.
Want to know more about AMDC tour in Macau, check it up in this blog: http://amdcinmacao.blogspot.com/
-- Candy
Marés de mudanças coreográficas Coreografias de um território em movimento
O Centro Cultural de Macau (CCM) vai apresentar a Companhia de Dança Amy Marshall (CDAM) de Nova Iorque no dia 18 de Outubro, mas o enfoque central do espectáculo de dança moderna não são as peças norte americanas, mas antes uma muito particular criada por duas coreógrafas de Macau e uma de Nova Iorque. “Marés da Mudança” é o nome da nova coreografia inspirada em Macau que foi conjuntamente coreografada por Amy Marshall, Stella Ho e Candy Kuok, duas bailarinas seleccionadas durante o Programa de Intercâmbio Coreográfico “Dançar até Nova Iorque” providenciado pelo CCM.Na sequência de um trabalho em prol do desenvolvimento da dança no território, o CCM lançou este programa coreográfico no início de Março. Na altura, Amy Marshall esteve no CCM para uma audição, escolhendo as bailarinas mais qualificadas, que viajaram depois até Nova Iorque durante o mês de Agosto, ingressando num programa de formação e criação coreográfica de três semanas com a CDAM. Foi aí que também trabalharam com a directora artística da companhia em “Marés da Mudança”, o novo projecto comissionado pelo CCM que agora terá estreia absoluta no palco do Centro Cultural.
What a wonderful thought that water surrounds us. We were born from it. And around us the earth is made up of so much water. From the sky we are replenished by it. It is water that makes the plants grow and keep us hydrated, as we are made of water ourselves. We need it in our lives. It helps us to stay alive and it helps us feel comforted in knowing it surrounds us. So, in times of change, water remains a constant. Comforting to know. I, being Cancer the crab and a water sign, has always felt the need to be near water. I grew up with lakes surrounding me and the ocean not far away, and now I live surrounded by the ocean. On humid days I can smell the ocean and it provides me with calm. A reminder that no matter how crazy life gets around me, the is something there that is there unchanged.
continue with water and goddess
澳門舞者的紐約夢 (上 / 下)
同樣是“朝九晚五”,但在紐約職業舞團的生活當然與在澳門辦公室的生活截然不同,甚至與以往工餘或周末的舞蹈排練也不一樣。在紐約,除了每天都要保持身體的極限狀態,她們最需要適應的,還是職業舞團的“高效率”,因為不論動作難度與複雜性,導師只會作兩次(最多三次)示範,學員就要“認識”及“做到”這動作,對比以往習慣將動作重複數十遍的練習,她們承認如今需要頭腦更加專注及清醒。而這樣一天“朝九晚五”的舞蹈練習下來,最有力的證明當然要算是一身的瘀傷痠痛。其實,每次到練習中途小休,那種全身痠麻的感覺便會讓人只想趴在地上不動。不過,只要老師一聲號令、音樂一起,大家又會馬上跳起身,忘形起舞,也許這就是“舞蹈”的能量所在吧? (上)
Explorative & Inspiring
During the creative process, I've the opportunity to learn from an choreographer (Amy Marshall), who oversees the whole picture, and worked through efficiently with just simple elements to an aesthetically,sophiscated dance piece. Movements need not to be complicated at all times, but how you can make interesting variations and choreograph out of simple little things is a real "big" thing. I am greatly inspired by Amy's works.
-- Candy
An unfadable and valuable experience
As said by Amy Marshall in the promotional video for this program, "New York is the hub of all kinds of art." With my own experience in New York, I totally agree with this. Just for the art of dancing, there are so many open or intensive classes of different kinds of dance which are available for dance lovers, from ballet, modern, tap, HIP HOP, African… to different movement techniques. On the other hand, there are always audition for dancers posted by different dance companies. Hence, there are plentiful chances of learning, so are chances to work as dancers in New York. Moreover, there are also a lot of opportunities to see different kinds of performances and shows held in New York, and there are many museums to visit. Art seems to be around everywhere. As an artist, it is really very excited being in New York, and I greatly value the experience of being here!
─ Stella
A Note of Thanks
May I take this chance to thank Candy for taking this role. Surely the delicious food she cooked would be a part of my good memory in New York!
I would also like to cordially thank Amy and Chad for their attentive care, making me adapt to the life in New York very promptly. It is so pleasant to dance, discuss, co-operate or just simply as to chat and get along with them!
─ Stella
Mix of Cultures
After having the Dim Sum, Amy Marshall and her dancers accompanied us to walk around China town for a while. Then just by crossing a road, we turned to walk along the area called Little Italy.
Just like what one of the dancers told us, “In New York, it's interesting that the previous moment you were like being in Asia, but next moment you will feel like being in Europe!”
Dim Sum Time....Show Off Time
Steamed Roast Pork Bun,spring roll, steamed shrimp dumpling, Beef Pan Fried Noodles, egg custard, fried tou-fu......and the most important and delicious of all-- STEAMED CHICKEN FEET IN BLACK BEAN SAUCE. Of course, this is our show-off time......finger by finger, bite by bite, we perform eating Steamed Chicken Feet. So, who dare to eat them ?.... Chad, Natasha, Alex and Aileen, nobody really succeeds.
Hey guys, it's just a matter of courage, it's yummmy.
Exploring NYC
Walking around the historic, neoclassical campus in the Morningside Heights of Columbia University, savoring the classical architecture of America.
We were lucky that the Guggenheim Museum is now exhibiting the representative selections of one of the most important artists of our time ─ Louise Bourgeois.
Walking around the West Village made us feel like walking in a small town of Europe. We enjoyed the leisure feeling there! The studio of Merce Cunningham Dance Company is also situated in the West Village.
It is so surprising for us to find the national flag of the People's Republic of China hung outside New York Stock Exchange Building.
To explore the Big Apple, the “glassy” Apple Store is another spot which could not be missed!
It seems that we have visited quite a number of places, but with so much to see, in fact there are still a lot of places of New York which could be explored, only time is limited ...
-- Stella, Candy
50th Anniversary of Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater
Aside from the street party, free dance performances were provided as well, and we were fortunate that the programs shown on that day were the classical dance pieces created by Mr. Ailey, such as Phases (excerpt), "Bird" - With Love (excerpt), Blues Suite (excerpt) and Revelations. The dancers were terrific with sophisticated dance techniques. On the other hand, the audience was mostly fans of AAADT, highly lifted up the atmosphere of the performance.
We had a great time for this celebration activity held by Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater!
--- Stella
Snap Shots after the Student Showing
Delving into Amy Marshall's Works
During the second week of the summer intensive, we had to learn excerpts of 4 repertories of Amy Marshall Dance Company, including "Duet", "Fire of the Dove Solo", "A Klezmer Nutcracker Fight" and "Two Duets and A Quartet Duet", and these excerpts are performed at the Student Showing on the final day of the intensive program.
Before coming to NYC, I have already seen some of the works of Amy Marshall from the company's website, however, learning to dance the repertories enabled me to have much more understandings about her works, and I am especially impressed by their diversity --- pieces that are created from a thematic approach or movement approach, pieces that are emotional, touching, energetic or humourous. Most of Amy's works have very complete story line which clearly conveys the pictures and most important of all, feeling to the audiance, while some are with sense of humour which I think is not easy to add into choreography. Even for some of the works which are abstract and more from a movement approach, the use of space and arrangement of movements of different qualities within the pieces make them substantial.
I really enjoy learning to dance and learning the techniques of choreography from the repertories of Amy!
--- Stella
We want more intensive
-- Candy, Stella
Creative Process (diary 006)
A Drink before show
-- Candy
Creative Process (diary 004)
The content of the above discussion then became the elements to work on for the creative process of the second week of summer intensive.
Creative Process (diary 003)
Creative Process (diary 002) - Student Showing
Could u find the elements of 'flowing','juxtapose','spiral','drowning','inner beauty' in the piece ?
dance efficiently - II
Creative Process (diary 001)
Candy and Stella in the Student Showing (Week 1)
Candy in the repertory "Aria"
Stella in the repertory "Moonshine Let me Fall"
dance efficiently - I
Meeting the AMDC Dancers
During the summer intensive program, most of the dancers of Amy Marshall Dance Company also join in or even be the teachers of some of the classes. Last week we had the chance to meet Matt, Aileen, Natasha, Danielle and Alexandra. They are all very good dancers with sophisticated dancing techniques. In spite of this, I am impressive that they are all very friendly and helpful!
--- Stella
Candy and Stella take NYC by storm!
Meeting with AMDC
Our main thing to do in New York is to join the summer intensive program of AMDC, and on 28th July we started our first lesson on the program. See how intensive it is :
9:00 -9:55 Yoga
10 - 11:30 Modern Technique
11:40 - 13:00 Creative Process
13:00 - 13:45 Lunch break
13:45 - 15:00 Ballet
15:05 - 16:30 Repetory
16:30 - 17:00 Stretch
Though we've been here three days already, Candy still got the jet-lag problem, during the Ballet class in the afternoon, she just couldn't figure out clearly how the movements are going.
"Our bodies got sore and bruises all around. When we walked down the staircase, hahah.....lovely pain. "I enjoy the sore !" said Candy
"After 2 days of training, I would say that the dance lessons I have in the summer intensive are very different from those I had had in Macau. If I have to describe them, I would say that the lessons are highly efficient and speedy. For every movement combination, teachers only demonstrate once or twice, then the students have to do it by themselves. So, it trains not only the body but also the mind." said Stella
During the class, Amy said that when we come to take intensive classes,we should push ourselves beyond limits. It's a challange and experience for our own-self.
daily treatment - - vaseline, muscle rub, herbal gel
Feel the City, Feel the Art!
Just like other big cities in the world, New York is always crowded in its business area, and there are lots of different attractions for tourists from around the world, but somehow its harmonious blending of people of different races makes it unique.
--- Stella & Candy
Devlin on the left, Parsha on the right
-- Stella, Candy
great stories!
I love the stories you are sharing! This is terrific! The flooding is definitely a good analogy to the influx of buildings and people. And I love the paper boats that it seems many children played with. It seems both of you had similar scary stories about water as well, hmmm this could be an interesting point...especially with Ama who is the protector of water so-to-speak. I think there may be a parallel here...any thoughts? Also, the bicycle man...what a funny character! And I can't believe he showed up in the paper after Candy spoke of him! It seems strange that people would use him of an example of what not to do. Here in NYC there are many characters that wander the streets and people sort of like having them around as familiar faces. For instance we have the "Naked Cowboy" who plays guitar in his underwear right in the middle of Times Square! Yes, he stops traffic and gets in the way, but New Yorkers and tourists alike find him hysterical! People like himself and the bicyclist you know keep the city interesting and helps to define the city's character. Is Macao really trying to unify everyone so much? This seems a shame. If we all become like one another and keep toning everything down....how boring will we be? Sometimes some of the impractical keeps things lively!
On anther note...have you both bought your tickets to NYC? When will you be arriving? And have you been able to get into any dance class and/or exercise classes? I just want to remind you that you will be jumping into the AMDC workshop and I don't want you getting too sore on the first day!
Keep up the terrific stories!
Appreciating the differences
In the article, it said that “Traffic jam is already a problem of our small city, and recently more and more bicycles appear on the street. But decorating the bicycle in such a bizarre way, expanding its size, is in fact affecting the image of the city, this act shouldn’t be encouraged.”
I am definitely against what it wrote there. Vice versa, I do feel it adds to the beauty and break the monotone of the city. I wonder nowadays many people just cannot accept the differences and choices of variety. Anything which is out of what they think as “regular”, it would become an alien or need to be get rid of.
Strange Bicycle in Busy City
In today's Macao Daily News, there is a photo with the caption "Strange Bicycle in Busy City " (鬧市怪車). It seems like the "stylist" bicycle which Candy has mentioned in the post "Childhood story - bicycle".
― Stella
Childhood Memory ― enclosed swimming area (泳棚)
My first and only time of swimming at the enclosed swimming area was very unforgettable because I almost drowned there. At that time I had learnt how to swim but I did not aware that my father just let me swim at where the water level was not over my height. However, when I went to that enclosed area where I had not swum in before, I was so excited that once I had changed my swimming suit, I did not wait till my father came out from the changing room but jumped into the water. Then I found that my feet could not touch the ground under the water and I was immediately frightened. It was like I could not retrieve my ability to swim and I struggled to grab anything to get onto the shore. However, I was in the middle of the water and of course I could get hold of nothing. Luckily, a lady who was swimming there found out that I was going to drown and immediately grab me to the rail. Only at that time my father came out and I didn’t know why I dared not tell him this fearful experience of mine. For the rest of the time, I just swam carefully within the enclosed swimming area.
Due to the development of the outport area of Macau, this enclosed swimming area had been pulled down for more than 10 years. Now, it could only exist in the memory of the Macanese.
Re: Childhood Story ― rainy days & bicycle
As for bicycle, I really haven't seen that special bicycle riding along 提督馬路 by an old man. Really hope that I could meet him on the road someday! On the other hand, your sharing does remind me of the time when riding on BMX bicycles became a trend in Hong Kong and Macau. At that time I always spent the Saturday mornings with my schoolmates by renting bicycles to ride in the garden near Hotel Lisboa (嘉思欄花園). There is a steep path in that garden which I would always want to overcome it by sloping down, U turn and then went up the slope. However, I had never succeeded in doing so. Aside from going out with friends, my father sometimes took me and my sisters to the open car park just in front of Macau Jockey Club in Taipa to let us ride bicycles there. Now of course that area is so full of cars parked and so it is no more suitable for people to ride bicycles there. Moreover, as demand decreased, the small shops which rent out bicycles closed down one by one. Now I wonder whether riding bicycle is no more a popular form of entertainment for the children in Macau, or the general living standard of Macau families is so good that children usually have their own bicycles. But as I observe, I seldom see children riding on bicycles around, instead, what I always see is children playing the electronic games such as PSP, Wii, etc…
― Stella
childhood story - bicycle
childhood story - rainy days
Regarding memorable childhood stories. That's too much to talk about. In this whole month, even today, it keeps raining so heavy here in Macau, this reminds me about my rainy games during childhood life. When I was small, my house was located on a steepy street. So whenever there's a heavy rain, I would fold a lot of paper boats, sometimes with short messages written on the paper as well. Then, I would run downstair and stayed by the main gate with my umbrella, watching the water rushing down like river. Then i would let go my paper boat, watching them flowing downstream, i felt happy . Sometimes by chance, other children who lived next door down the street would catch my boats and read the message. It's fun. When all paper boats gone, I would let go my slipeers. running after it and trying to catch it back.
Back to 15 or 20 years ago, the sewage system in Macau was not good. Whenever there's heavy rain, there would be flooded in many areas. My secondary school was located in the low-land district, so flood always happened in those days, the water would come up to above the knee level. What my school did was to build up a long bridge with benches, starting from the front playground to the main gate and to the road. It's so exciting and I love that. When there were cars in the opposite site of the road passed by, water current came, sometimes pushing the benches and make it shakes. we felt like walking on the water in the sea. I saw one time my classmate dropped off from the benches and got all wet, poor girl. Another time, we stayed after school for doing group work, it rained as well. When we finished our work and ready to leave the school, the flood water became so high and there were no benches. We were all afraid to walk in the water cos we couldn't see the road at all. So what we did was to grab hold of the iron fences of the houses along the road, tip toes walking along the edges. Finally, we got wet in and out, our books as well, and our white uniforms all cover with uncleanable rusty stain.
They are classical in my life.
-- candy